Thursday, August 26, 2010

Introduction to perl

Perl is a script language which was originally developed by Larry Wall. The source code can directly be "executed" using perl and there is no explicit compilation step involved. This perl program is usually installed in /usr/bin/perl. Perl is in many aspects quite similar to the classic unix programs awk and sed but perl has gone a long way from there. Today you can even do object oriented programming and design graphical user interfaces with perl. Perl can easily be extended in its capabilities with libraries. The perl archive at CPAN has many of them. This first article will however not go into advanced topics. Instead I would like to show you some basics and have more advanced things in later articles.
Perl is a very useful scripting language. It is a universal tool for everyone with some programming skills.

A simple program

  1. #!/usr/bin/perl

  2. print "Hello World!\n";
When you click Run > Run or press F9, the program will launch and print the message “Hello World!”

Let's look at the program in more details.

The first line of the program is a special comment. Comments in Perl program start from the pound sign (#) to the rest of line. There is no sign for block comment. On UNIX systems, two characters #! starting in a line indicates the program is stored in the file /usr/bin/perl

The second line starts with print statement followed by a string “Hello World” and then followed by a semi-comma. Every Perl statement has to be ended with a semi-comma (;).

You can also launch Perl program by double click on the source code file. There is no *.exe or *.dll file when you write Perl programs. If you want to distribute Perl program just copy the source code to other.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

DB programming in Perl

In the need of creation of a database and a way to add an interface for interaction with that, today I learned how to work on MySQL.

Also got to work at Perl DBI for interaction with MySQL. Database access steps are similar to those in other languages:

for using MySQl, go here.

once your MySQL database is ready and assuming that you have created the database named mydb (how ? refer the link above !), you can continue for you safari into Perl DBI.

we begin our database programming by connecting to it with following steps.

use DBI; # to use Perl DBI ;

my $dsn = ‘DBI:mysql:mydb:localhost’; # DSN string

my $db_user_name = “myusername”; # user name for db
my $db_password = “mypasswd”; # passwd for db

my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $db_user_name, $db_password); # connect to mydb

Now, we are ready for processing queries and statements on our database.

for a query like ‘select’ which return some record sets, the process is:

$statement = “select * from mytable”;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement);
$sth->execute or die “can’t execute the query: ” . $sth->errstr;

Now for traversing through the records (rows) we have APIs to help:

while(@row = $sth->fetchrow_array) {

# access @row as an array:
# $row[0] is first field(column)
# $row[1] is second field (column) …

# … other stuff

$sth->finish; # reinitialize the handle when needed. we are done.

for the queries like ‘insert’ which do not return any records:

$statement = “insert into mytable values(0, “Manoj”, “402A, West Avenue”)”; $dbh->do($statement) or print $DBI::errstr;


$dbh->disconnect; # disconnect the db.

following are some links that can come to your rescue in case you get toads !

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Reading entire file in one go.

Solution 1:
std::ifstream in("");
std::istreambuf_iterator < char > begin(in), end;
std::string str(begin, end);

Solution 2:
std::ifstream input("");
std::ostringstream temp;
temp << input.rdbuf();
std::string str = temp.str();

In both the cases,
std::cout << str;
will print out entire file.

Perl solution:
open CIRCLE, "";
@mylist = ;
close CIRCLE;

C++ and Perl both take 3 lines of code.
Not bad for a system programming language!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

File Handling in perl: open, read, write and close files

Some Files Are Standard

In an effort to make programs more uniform, there are three connections that always exist when your program starts. These are STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR. Actually, these names are file handles. File handles are variables used to manipulate files. Just like you need to grab the handle of a hot pot before you can pick it up, you need a file handle before you can use a file. Table 9.1 describes the three file handles.
Table 9.1 - The Standard File Handles
Name Description
STDIN Reads program input. Typically this is the computer's keyboard.
STDOUT Displays program output. This is usually the computer's monitor.
STDERR Displays program errors. Most of the time, it is equivalent to STDOUT, which means the error messages will be displayed on the computer's monitor.
You've been using the STDOUT file handle without knowing it for every print() statement in this book. The print() function uses STDOUT as the default if no other file handle is specified. Later in this chapter, in the "Examples: Printing Revisited" section, you will see how to send output to a file instead of to the monitor.
The association of these file handles can be altered
We can also use:< input # STDIN
$ perl > output # STDOUT
$ perl 2> errors # STDERR


Reading a line of input from the standard input, STDIN, is one of the easiest things that you can do in Perl. This following three line program will read a line from the keyboard and then display it. This will continue until you press Ctrl+Z on DOS systems or Ctrl-D on UNIX systems.

while (< STDIN >) {
The <> characters, when used together, are called the diamond operator. They tell Perl to read a line of input from the file handle inside the operators. In this case, STDIN. Later, you'll use the diamond operators to read from other file handles.
In this example, the diamond operator assigned the value of the input string to $_. Then, the print() function was called with no parameters, which tells print() to use $_ as the default parameter. Using the $_ variable can save a lot of typing but I'll let you decide which is more readable. Here is the same program without using $_.

while ($inputLine = ) {
When you pressed Ctrl+Z or Ctrl+D, you told Perl that the input file was finished. This caused the diamond operator to return the undefined value which Perl equates to false and caused the while loop to end. In DOS (and therefore in all of the flavors of Windows), 26 - the value of Ctrl+Z - is considered to be the end-of-file indicator. As DOS reads or writes a file, it monitors the data stream and when a value of 26 is encountered the file is closed. UNIX does the same thing when a value of 4 - the value of Ctrl+D - is read.

#Making echo command in perl:
 while (< STDIN >) {
$line = <STDIN>;
print "echo:$line";
# : reads in multiple lines and prints them all
# keeps echoing back what the user types while ( $line = ) { print "echo:$line"; } 

$_ as the default input variable


# keeps echoing back what the user types
while ( ) {
print "echo:$_"; #instead of just writing print(); like in

Using Redirection to Change STDIN and STDOUT

DOS and UNIX let you change the standard input from being the keyboard to being a file by changing the command line that you use to execute Perl programs. Until now, you probably used a command line similar to:
perl -w
In the previous example, Perl read the keyboard to get the standard input. But, if there was a way to tell Perl to use the file 09LST01.PL as the standard input you could have the program print itself. Pretty neat, huh? Well, it turns out that you can change the standard input. It's done this way:

perl -w <
The < character is used to redirect the standard input to the 09LST01.PL file. You now have a program that duplicates the functionality of the DOS type command. And it only took three lines of Perl code!
You can redirect standard output to a file using the > character. So if you wanted a copy of 09LST01.PL to be sent to OUTPUT.LOG you could use this command line:

perl -w < >output.log
Keep this use of the < and > characters in mind. You'll be using them again shortly when we talk about the open() function. The < character will signify that files should be opened for input and the > will be used to signify an output file. But first, let's continue talking about accessing files listed on the command line.

Using the Diamond Operator (<>)

If no file handle is used with the diamond operator, Perl will examine the @ARGV special variable. If @ARGV has no elements, then the diamond operator will read from STDIN - either from the keyboard or from a redirected file.

while (<>) {

The command line to run the program might look like this:

perl -w
And the output would be:

while () {
while (<>) {
Perl will create the @ARGV array from the command line. Each file name on the command line - after the program name - will be added to the @ARGV array as an element. When the program runs the diamond operator starts reading from the filename in the first element of the array. When that entire file has been read, the next file is read from, and so on, until all of the elements have been used. When the last file has be finished, the while loop will end.
Using the diamond operator to iterate over a list of filenames is very handy. You can use it in the middle of your program by explicitly assigning a list of filenames to the @ARGV array. Listing 9.3 shows what this might look like in a program.

@ARGV = ("", "");
while (<>) {

This program displays:

while () {
while (<>) {
Next, we will take a look at the ways that Perl lets you test files, and following that, the functions that can be used with files.

Reading into variables in perl
Though we have already seen it how to use here is some more detail of it.
Lets suppose we have handle to read from file handle FILE
– read one line at a time (scalar context)
– read all lines at once (array context)
– returns undef at EOF
$first = ; # first line
$second = ; # second line
@rest = ; # everything else

• The new-line character is at the end of each line
– can be removed with chomp()

#Eg making wc function of unix in perl 
# - imitates unix wc (word count) program

$lines = 0;
$words = 0;
$characters = 0;
while ( <> ) {
@words = split(' ', $_);
$words += scalar(@words);
$characters += length($_);
print " $lines $words $characters\n";

Input from a file

Use open function - 

open(filehandle, mode, filename);
– returns undef if file cannot be opened

# - sorts the lines in a file alphabetically

# open a file and assign the filehandle F
open(F, "myfile.txt") or die("can't open myfile.txt: $!\n");
# read in the whole file into an array of lines
@lines = ();
while() {
push(@lines, $_);
close(F); # close the filehandle

# sort the lines
@lines = sort @lines; #note that simply using sort @lines won't work, we need new
#array here;
# print out the lines, now sorted
foreach (@lines) {
print; # means the same as print $_;

# - sorts the lines in a file alphabetically

# open a file and assign the filehandle F
open(F, "myfile.txt") or die("can't open myfile.txt: $!\n");

# read in the whole file into an array of lines
@lines = ();
while(<F>) {
push(@lines, $_);
close(F); # close the filehandle

# sort the lines
@lines = sort @lines; #note that simply using sort @lines won't work, 
#we need new array here;

# print out the lines, now sorted
foreach (@lines) {
print; # means the same as print $_;

Writing to file

open(F, ">output.txt"
We add > before file for writing. 
open(F, ">output.txt") or die( "cannot write to output.txt : $!\n");
print F "Hello World!\n";


open(F, ">>output.txt");
print F "Goodbye world!\n";

File Test Operators

Perl has many operators that you can use to test different aspects of a file. For example, you can use the -e operator to ensure that a file exists before deleting it. Or you can check that a file can be written to before appending to it. By checking the feasibility of the impending file operation, you can reduce the number of errors that you program will encounter.